María Jesús ZAMORA CALVO (ed). Women, Witchcraft and the Inquisition in Spain and the New World. Louisiana: Baton Rouge / Louisiana State University Press, Series New Hispanisms, Cultural and Literary Studies, 2021, 215 pp.

Alberto Ortiz

Submited: 2022-07-28 18:58:35 | Published: 2022-07-29 16:33:09

Full text


La edición del libro Women, witchcraft and the Inquisition in Spain and the new world, coordinado por la doctora Zamora Calvo, lega a los estudios culturales alrededor de las creencias mágicas un producto académico peculiar, donde los haya, que aspira a colaborar en la renovación del tema indicado...

Ortiz A. María Jesús ZAMORA CALVO (ed). Women, Witchcraft and the Inquisition in Spain and the New World. Louisiana: Baton Rouge / Louisiana State University Press, Series New Hispanisms, Cultural and Literary Studies, 2021, 215 pp.. Alpha. 2022;1(54): 202-204. Disponible en: doi:10.32735/S0718-22012022000541033 [Accessed 5 Oct. 2024].
Ortiz, A. (2022). María Jesús ZAMORA CALVO (ed). Women, Witchcraft and the Inquisition in Spain and the New World. Louisiana: Baton Rouge / Louisiana State University Press, Series New Hispanisms, Cultural and Literary Studies, 2021, 215 pp.. ALPHA: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía, 1(54), 202-204. doi:

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